Open Positions — Exciting Career Opportunities Available!
Attention graduate students with exceptional skills in Mechanical Engineering (ME), Computer Science (CS), Automation, Electronic or Electrical Engineering (EE), Applied Mathematics, and/or signal and image processing. We offer outstanding opportunities for M.S., M.Eng., Ph.D, or academic visitors to join our team.

If you are a passionate and motivated individual seeking to further your career in these fields, we invite you to send us your Curriculum Vitae (C.V.), certificates, and transcripts (if available), and any relevant experiences Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to advance your academic and professional development!


Dr. Peng CHEN (陈鹏), Ph.D., Master Supervisor, Assistant Professor 
College of Engineering, Shantou University
Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, China
243 Daxue Road, Jinping District, Shantou, Guangdong, China,  515063 
✉️ Email: (Primary

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“The beauty of truth lies in its accessibility, waiting patiently to be unveiled by those who seek to understand.”
                                                                                                                                                       – Nikola Tesla

陈鹏,工学博士,硕士研究生导师,汕头大学卓越人才计划 (优秀青年人才) ,汕头市高层次人才(B类),国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,美国电子电气工程师学会会员 (IEEE Member),中国振动工程学会信号处理分会理事、动态测试专业委员会理事及转子动力学分会理事。 2020年博士毕业于电子科技大学,获工学博士学位 (导师:加拿大工程院院士 Ming J. Zuo教授),2019-2020年比利时鲁汶大学 (KU Leuven) 联合培养博士研究生,  2018年University of Pretoria南非科学院院士 Prof.  P.  Stephan Heyns 团队访问研究学者。主持承担(过)国家自然科学基金项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目、广东省科技计划项目等5项,参与国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目以及国家自然科学基金面上项目等6项。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI检索的JCR分区/中科院分区一区Top期刊论文20余篇,授权发明专利6项,并担任  IEEE INTERNET THINGS、IEEE T IND INFORM、IEEE T IND ELECTRON、IEEE T INSTRUM MEAS 、IEEE T RELIAB、MECH SYST SIGNAL PR、KNOWL-BASED SYST、ADV ENG INFORM等国际期刊同行评议审稿人。

Peng Chen received the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering and the M.S. degree in Mechatronic Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, in 2020 and 2016, respectively, under the supervision of Prof. Ming J. Zuo. From 2019 to 2020, he was an International Scholar with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium. He was a Visiting Research Scholar with the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, in 2018. Since then, he has been an Assistant Professor at Shantou University in Guangdong, China. He achieved the Outstanding Talents Program of Shantou University (Outstanding Young Talents Program) and Shantou High-level Talents. He serves a peer reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) committee, and is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), as well as holding a directorial position as well as holding a directorial position in the signal processing branches, dynamic testing professional committees, and rotor dynamics division of the Chinese Vibration Engineering Society. He has served as the project director for five different projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation, the Science and Technology Special Fund Project of Guangdong Province, and etc. He has authored more than 20 article papers, serving as the first or corresponding author for each, published in prestigious international journals after peer review and included in the SCI database. He also served as a peer reviewer for journals like  IEEE INTERNET THINGS、IEEE T IND INFORM、IEEE T IND ELECTRON、IEEE T INSTRUM MEAS 、IEEE T RELIAB、MECH SYST SIGNAL PR、KNOWL-BASED SYST、ADV ENG INFORM, and others.

主要研究方向/领域信号及声学信息处理 (多尺度时频表征,干扰信号抑制、稀疏信号处理)、人工智能 (深度学习,视觉计算,图像/语音超分辨)、智能交互(智能传感、无线感知、人机协同)故障预测与健康管理以及其在智能交通、风电产业、工业伺服机器人、智能制造系统的关键组件中的应用。

Signal and acoustics processing involves multi-scale time-frequency representation, interference signal suppression, and sparse signal processing, while artificial intelligence encompasses deep learning, vision computing, and image/audio super-resolution, and intelligent interactions integrate smart sensing, wireless sensing, human-computer collaboration, prognostics and health management (PHM), applied across key components of intelligent transportation, the wind power industry, industrial servo robots, and intelligent manufacturing systems.

Current members

Mr. Chaojun XU, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2021-Present
Office: Jidian Building 301 (机电楼 301) (FYI)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: Beijing Jiaotong University (北京交通大学), Measurement and Control Technology and Instrumentation (测控技术与仪器)
Research Area: Signal processing and computer vision, as well as their applications to the detection and prognosis of carbon-fiber composites for wind turbine structures
Master thesis: 扩散表征及尺度感知堆叠建模的风电齿轮箱故障诊断研究
Employment: TBA

Mr. Zhigang MA, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2022-Present
Office: Jidian Building 301 (机电楼 301) (FYI)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: Soochow University (苏州大学), Vehicle Engineering (车辆工程)
Research Area: Computer vision, vibration signal processing, and their applications to intelligent manufacturing systems such as wind turbines and robotic arms
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: 科大讯飞AI研究院,初级AI测试工程师

Mr. Junxiao MA, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2023-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: Southwest Jiaotong University (西南交通大学), Software Engineering (软件工程)
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA
Mr. Ruijin ZHANG, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2023-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602)
✉️ Email: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: Tongji University (同济大学), Software Engineering (软件工程)
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA

Mr. Jia GAO, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2023-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: Shandong University (山东大学), Computer science and technology (计算机科学与技术)
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA

Mr. Yuhao WU, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2023-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: East China Jiaotong University (华东交通大学), Computer science and technology (计算机科学与技术)
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA

Mr. Qingsheng WEI, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2024-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: Beijing University of Science and Technology (北京科技大学), Communication Engineering (通信工程)
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA

Mr. Enyu YANG, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2024-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major:  Huazhong Agricultural University (华中农业大学), 机械电子工程(Mechatronics)
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA

Mr. Yazheng WANG, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2024-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602)
✉️ Email: TBA

Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major:  Nanjing Agricultural University (南京农业大学),车辆工程(Vehicle engineering)
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA

Mr. X, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2025-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602) 
✉️ Email: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen

B.S. Background & Major: TBA
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA
Mr. X, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2025-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602) 
✉️ Email: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: TBA
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA
Mr. X, M.S. Candidate, Sep. 2025-Present
Office: Sci. & Tech. Building 602 (科技楼602) 
✉️ Email: TBA
Supervisor: Dr. Peng Chen
B.S. Background & Major: TBA
Research Area: TBA
Master thesis: TBA
Employment: TBA


Former Students

  • Mr. Chun Zhang, B.S. Student (本科生), Sep. 2020-July 2024,TBA
  • Mr. Guanpeng Zheng, B.S. Student (本科生), Sep. 2020-July 2024, 华南理工大学 (研究生)
  • Mr. Ruitao Pan, B.S. Student (本科生), Sep. 2018-July 2022, 西安交通大学 (保送直博)
  • Miss Mengxue Zhao, B.S. Student (本科生), Sep. 2018-July 2022, 广东省工业和信息化厅 (公务员)

Best wishes to everyone! Please keep in touch!!